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Rick Miller Draws on CORE Districts’ Experiences with Accountability to Discuss the Implications of ESSA in California

January 2016

CORE Districts Executive Director Rick Miller was one of six participants in a webinar titled “The Every Student Succeeds Act: Implications for California and Equity.” The webinar, hosted by EdSource and Partners for Each and Every Child, brought together education leaders in the state to discuss the implications of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in California, with particular attention to if and how ESSA aligns with policy efforts California is already pursuing. Miller reflected on the merits of a multiple measures accountability system and described the CORE Districts’ system of ten independent metrics that combine to create a single index. Miller explained that the single, overall number is less important than the ten metrics, which include information on a wide array of districts’ academic and nonacademic successes and challenges. Moreover, the CORE Districts report performance on each of the metrics in a way that allows district leaders to compare progress among schools and districts. Miller argued that California should similarly pursue a dashboard approach to measuring schools and districts. In his closing remarks, Miller encouraged the state to consider ESSA as an opportunity to take risks and try new paths toward school improvement.